Friday, February 11, 2011

Still looking for that perfect Valentine treat for your hubby? I have the answer! My cousin Katie found the idea for these sugar cookies on another blog and decided we needed to make them. They crack me up! (pardon the pun) No they are not appropriate for your children, in fact I'm sure there are some fellow bloggers that are a little too prude to even make them for their spouse, and that's OK! My cousin's and I had a blast putting them together, thanks again ladies! The funniest part is that we are all planning on giving a plate of them to my Grandma. She's gonna love them! Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

From The Lee Family

From The Lee Family


stacy said...

oh my gosh!!!!!! these are hysterical!!!!!!

Marissa Marie said...

i had to look at them for a minute before i figured out why they might not be appropriate for kids. ha!

yay for another boy! hey, you tell me when would be good for us to get together, maybe a park date or something. sad thing is, i have the most time in the late afternoon, which is probably a busy time for you!

The Van Fam said...

hahaha so funny! I love that idea!

Kati said...

I'm a friend of Amy's - she emailed me a pic of these cookies and I was totally wondering how you'd made them with kids around! Definitely makes more sense that you did it with cousin's :). Love it!

Gaylene said...

Those cookies crack me up! Maybe you should send those pictures to Shelly to post them in the Ward Newsletter for the "recipe" of the month???????!!!!! :) You always make me laugh!

Sara Randall said...

Those are hillarious!