Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Can someone tell me what I do? Somehow, someone has hacked into my other blog account... www.portraitsbyrobinlee.blogspot.com and posted multiple posts. I have erased them, but what do I do? Now they have my information and can do that anytime? I can't go private because that blog is acting as my website. HELP!


Crissybug said...

change your password, and that should hopefully fix the problem. What a bummer! I hate that!

Bert and Benton said...

Yeah, I would definitely change your password, that should hold them off for a while if not forever. Sorry Robin!

Julz said...

You could make it private just until you erase all the unwanted posts and change your pass word. Really, do people not have better things to do with their time!

Robin said...

Thanks for the comments. I changed my password right after I wrote the post. I sure hope that works.

Some people are just lame.